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Nodes have input and output ports that are used to connect nodes together. Ports are typed, meaning they can only accept or provide data of a specific type. The following data types are available:


While technically not a typed port, the execution port is used to trigger the execution of a node. This is used to control the flow of the graph.


The Bool data type represents a boolean value, which can be either true or false.

If the incoming connection is from port ...

  • true if non-zero, false if zero.
  • true if non-empty, false if empty.


The Number data type represents a 64-bit numeric values, used for whole numbers like -4, 0, 100, and decimal numbers like -12.34, 0.0, 27.1234.

Some numbers can't be fully represented and are approximated, such as or , which has infinite, non-repeating decimal places. For example, is approximated as 3.141592653589793, which is precise enough for most use cases.

If the incoming connection is from port ...

  • 1 if boolean is true, and 0 for false.
  • strings are converted to numbers. A runtime error occurs if conversion fails.


The String data type represents an immutable sequence of characters, typically used for textual data. Strings are always UTF-8 encoded.

Number Array

The Number Array represents an array of Number.

Bool Array

The Bool Array represents an array of Bool.

String Array

The String Array represents an array of String.


The Any data type represents a value of any type and is used exclusively for inputs. It indicates that the node can accept any type of data. The documentation provides information on nodes that use this data type for inputs or outputs.


The Unknown data type is used when a node accepts or provides data of a type that is not knowing during build time of the graph. Port types cannot be inferred yet while connecting nodes, so the Unknown data type is used instead.


The stream data type represents a data stream, used for handling continuous data flow, such as reading from, or writing to a file or network connection.

Storage Provider

The storage-provider data type represents a storage backend such as cloud storage service like S3. It provides an interface for interacting with various storage systems.


The Secret data type is used for transmitting sensitive data, such as passwords, API keys, or other secrets between nodes. Read Secrets on how to define secrets in your graphs.


The Option data type represents a value that can be one of a set of predefined options. It is used to restrict the input to a specific set of values.

If the incoming connection is from port ...

  • The index of the option in the list of options, starting from 0. A runtime error occurs if the index is out of bounds.
  • The underlying value of the option.