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Storage Provider S3

This S3 Provider node serves as a storage provider that can be plugged into other nodes offering cloud storage operations.


Port Description
Access Key
Your AWS access key. If left empty, check out the order of precedence for the access key in the node description.
Secret Key
Your AWS secret key. If left empty, check out the order of precedence for the secret key in the node description.
The name of the S3 bucket you want to use.
The region where the bucket is located.
Only required for S3-compatible providers that are not AWS S3. E.g. needs to be set for Digital Ocean Spaces, Backblaze B2, etc. Here is a list of S3-compatible providers.


Port Description
The AWS S3 provider.


Clone files between S3 buckets without a middleman#

The AWS S3 Provider comes with a unique feature that allows you to clone files between two S3 buckets without the need to download and re-upload the files through the machine where the action graph is executed. Files can be transferred directly between two S3 buckets, securely within the trusted walls of AWS, saving time, bandwith, resources and money.

For that to happen, you need to set up the AWS S3 Provider node with the access key, secret key, bucket and region of the source bucket. Then, you can connect the AWS S3 Provider node to the storage-download node that reads the file from the source bucket and to the storage-upload node that writes the file to the destination bucket.

To set up the permissions correctly, ensure to use the credentials for the target bucket. Additionlly, these credentials must have at least read permissions to the source bucket. With that in place, the AWS S3 Provider node will be able to transfer the file directly between the two buckets.

Documentation for common S3 Provider#

Other S3-compatible bucket providers include:

ID: storage-provider-s3@v1