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Filepath Op

Perform operations on filepaths.


Port Description
Set of operations. Look at the addendum below for more information.


Port Description



1. Base#

Returns the last element of the path. If the path is empty, Base returns ..

Path Style Input Path Output
POSIX-style /home/user/file.txt file.txt
POSIX-style /home/user/ user
POSIX-style (empty) .
Windows-style C:\Users\user\file.txt file.txt
Windows-style C:\Users\user\ user
Windows-style (empty) .

2. Clean#

Returns the shortest path name equivalent to path by purely lexical processing.

Path Style Input Path Output
POSIX-style /home/user/../user/file.txt /home/user/file.txt
POSIX-style /home/user/./file.txt /home/user/file.txt
POSIX-style (empty) .
Windows-style C:\Users\user\..\user\file.txt C:\Users\user\file.txt
Windows-style C:\Users\user\.\file.txt C:\Users\user\file.txt
Windows-style (empty) .

3. Dir#

Returns all but the last element of the path, typically the directory. If the path is empty, Dir returns ..

Path Style Input Path Output
POSIX-style /home/user/file.txt /home/user
POSIX-style /home/user/ /home
POSIX-style file.txt .
POSIX-style (empty) .
Windows-style C:\Users\user\file.txt C:\Users\user
Windows-style C:\Users\user\ C:\Users
Windows-style file.txt .
Windows-style (empty) .

4. Ext#

Returns the file name extension used by path. The extension is the suffix beginning at the final dot in the final slash-separated element of path; it is empty if there is no dot.

Path Style Input Path Output
POSIX-style /home/user/file.txt .txt
POSIX-style /home/user/file ``
POSIX-style (empty) ``
Windows-style C:\Users\user\file.txt .txt
Windows-style C:\Users\user\file ``
Windows-style (empty) ``

5. From Slash#

Converts slashes in paths to the native format.

Path Style Input Path Output
POSIX-style /home/user/file.txt /home/user/file.txt (No change)
POSIX-style (empty) (empty)
Windows-style C:/Users/user/file.txt C:\Users\user\file.txt
Windows-style (empty) (empty)

6. To Slash#

Converts the native format to slashes.

Path Style Input Path Output
POSIX-style /home/user/file.txt /home/user/file.txt (No change)
POSIX-style (empty) (empty)
Windows-style C:\Users\user\file.txt C:/Users/user/file.txt
Windows-style (empty) (empty)

7. Volume#

Returns the leading volume name, which is the drive letter followed by a colon for Windows-style paths. For POSIX-style paths, it returns an empty string.

Path Style Input Path Output
POSIX-style /home/user/file.txt ""
POSIX-style (empty) ""
Windows-style C:\Users\user\file.txt C:
Windows-style (empty) ``

ID: filepath-op@v1